Re: COUNTIF Formula
Hi Orlando, try this. E.g. =COUNTIFS({MH-Work Prioritization Log Range 1}, "Completed- Prioritized", {Completed Date Range}, >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), {Completed Date Range}, <=DATE(2023, 3…1 · -
Re: COUNTIF Formula
Hi Orlando, you may add more criteria to the COUNTIFS formula. E.g. =COUNTIFS({MH-Work Prioritization Log Range 1}, "Completed- Prioritized", {Quarter}, "2023Q1") --Anson1 · -
Re: I am trying to count a topic by year
Hi Adina, I notice there are a number of issues in your date range formula. In short, your formula should be similar to the following after rectification. =COUNTIFS({OSH Tracker Rules Range 1},"…1 · -
Re: Index/Match with 2 sheets
Hi Sherry, For #UNPARASABLE error, it comes to a formula with a misspelling column name or incomplete operator, which prevents Smartsheet from parsing. I notice that you have a redundant closing brac…1 · -
Re: How do I make a pie chart with 100% of percentage of de data?
Smartsheet would round the percentage off. There is a scenario where the value after the decimal of all numbers are less than 0.5 (in your example, 0.13, 0.15, 0.48 & 0.24), which would result in…1 ·